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Finance >Insurance > General Insurance

General Insurance

General Insurance provides much-needed protection against unforeseen events such as accidents, illness, fire, burglary et al. Unlike Life Insurance, General Insurance is not meant to offer returns but is a protection against contingencies. Almost everything that has a financial value in life and has a probability of getting lost, stolen or damaged, can be covered through General Insurance policy.

Property (both movable and immovable), vehicle, cash, household goods, health, dishonesty and also one's liability towards others can be covered under general insurance policy. Under certain Acts of Parliament, some types of insurance like Motor Insurance and Public Liability Insurance have been made compulsory.

Major insurance policies that are covered under General Insurance are

Home Insurance -It is imperative that you secure your home from natural and man-made catastrophes ....

Health Insurance -It is said that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body ....

Motor Insurance -Legally, no motor vehicle is allowed to be driven on the road without valid insurance ....

Travel Insurance -Travel and tourism is one of the most fast growing sectors around the world ....

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